Low & Zero Carbon Assessments
We are experienced Low & Zero Carbon feasibility assessors. Our reports provide crucial details to help you determine which renewable technologies are most appropriate for your specific building and location, helping you to ensure the most cost-effective energy technology is specified, saving money and carbon and fulfilling planning requirements.
The wide range of LZC technologies – solar thermal panels, photovoltaic panels, biomass boilers, heat pumps, wind turbines, heat recovery systems and combined heat & power (CHP) – and the rapid pace of change mean that it is critical to make the right choice, based on a sound analysis of energy output, costs, payback and carbon savings. This ensures that the correct LZC is specified correctly to ensure the greatest return on the investment made. Our LZC reports also meet BREEAM requirements, and include a full analysis of income generation opportunities under the Feed In Tariff (FIT) and Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).